Hand-picked quotes about health from the best non-fiction books

Here are the best quotes about health.

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Reconnect with nature. Though most people live in cities these days, human beings are made to be part of the natural world. We should return to it often to recharge our batteries.
The American Institute of Stress investigated this degenerative process and concluded that most health problems are caused by stress.
Stress promotes cellular aging by weakening cell structures known as telomeres, which affect cellular regeneration and how our cells age.
Nietzsche’s famous aphorisms: “He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how.”
If you keep your mind and body busy, you’ll be around a long time.
God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed, and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.
It is much more important to have a compass pointing to a concrete objective than to have a map.
Smile. A cheerful attitude is not only relaxing—it also helps make friends. It’s good to recognize the things that aren’t so great, but we should never forget what a privilege it is to be in the here and now in a world so full of possibilities.
One study, conducted at Yeshiva University, found that the people who live the longest have two dispositional traits in common: a positive attitude and a high degree of emotional awareness. In other words, those who face challenges with a positive outlook and are able to manage their emotions are already well on their way toward longevity.
Surround yourself with good friends. Friends are the best medicine, there for confiding worries over a good chat, sharing stories that brighten your day, getting advice, having fun, dreaming... in other words, living.
Get in shape for your next birthday. Water moves; it is at its best when it flows fresh and doesn’t stagnate. The body you move through life in needs a bit of daily maintenance to keep it running for a long time. Plus, exercise releases hormones that make us feel happy.
People who maintained a low level of stress, who faced challenges and put their heart and soul into their work in order to succeed, lived longer than those who chose a more relaxed lifestyle and retired earlier.
We each have a unique reason for being, which can be adjusted or transformed many times over the years.
The objective of the virtuous person is to reach a state of tranquility (apatheia): the absence of negative feelings such as anxiety, fear, shame, vanity, and anger, and the presence of positive feelings such as happiness, love, serenity, and gratitude.

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Hand-picked quotes from the best non-fiction books